
latest release / download
Latest split2cds release is 0.2 - download it
what's split2cds?

split2cds splits up the subdirectories and files from one large directory to several small directories with a predefined size each. This is useful for burning large directories on several CDs, in a way that as little space as possible is waste

For install and usage instructions, please see the file README in the archive available for download.

Thanks to David Pisinger for developing the MULKNAP algorithm, and making its implementation available to the public.

Thanks to Elwin for developing the Windows software Burn To The Brim (BTTB), which does the same job as split2cds - but in a more windows-like way, with a real GUI. I wanted a similar functionality available under Linux, and that was the motivation to write split2cds.

split2cds is freeware. Due to the license of MULKNAP it may only be used for noncommercial/academic purposes.

revision history

Version 0.2

First public release.

If you like this program, and have any comments, please send mail to mail@tillmann-steinbrecher.de