README for burnscripts INTRODUCTION burnscripts is a collection of scripts to make it easier and more convenient to burn CDs and DVDs from the commandline. All scripts are called in the following simple syntax: burnXXX and will then burn the content of the specified directory on a data CD, audio CD, or dvd. The included scripts: burncd - burns data CD It will burn the content of the directory to a CD-ROM. If a .cue / .bin combination is found in the directory, an image of the .bin will be burned using cdrdao (.cue/.bin is what often shows up when you unpack those .rar files... e.g. for SVCDs). If no cue/bin is found, the content of the directory is burned as a normal ISO9660 CD. The script checks if the directory exceeds the size of an 80minute CD-R, and aborts if that is the case. burnaudio - burn audio CD It will burn the mp3s in this directory as an audio CD. The script checks if the length of the mp3s exceeds 80 minutes, if so, it will abort. If the directory contains several single mp3s, they will be decoded on the fly, and burned in TAO mode using cdrecord. If the directory contains a .cue file and a single large mp3 (this is better for mixed CDs), the mp3 will be decoded to .wav and burned in DAO mode using cdrdao. Note that if there is a .cue file, the audio CD will contain several tracks that can be selected individually, even if made from a single large mp3. If someone figures out a way to do this on-the-fly without decoding to .wav first, let me know. burndvd - burns DVD It will burn the content of the directory on DVD. If an .img file is found, an image of this file will be burned. If not, the content of the directory will be burned as normal ISO9660 filesystem. INSTALLATION You need: - cdrecord (included with your distribution. A DVD-enabled version is required if you wish to burn DVDs from .img files). - growisofs from dvd+rwtools (included with your distribution. Only required if you wish to burn DVDs). - mpg123 (hopefully included with your distribution, if not, you should not have trouble finding a package!) - mp3info (hopefully included with your distribution, if not, get it from ) - cueconvert from cuetools, if you wish to burn audio CDs from cue/mp3 combinations (probably not included with your distribution. Get it from: ) Actual installation: Copy burncd, burndvd, burnaudio, and burnmp3cue (the latter is a support script required by burnaudio for burning mp3/cue) to a directory of your choice that is in the path, e.g. /usr/local/bin - Edit burncd. Change the device= and speed= lines if they don't match your config - Edit burndvd. Change device=, devfile= and dvdspeed= to match your needs - Edit burnaudio. Change the device= and speed= lines if they don't match your config That's it. Problems? Bugs? Email LICENSE GNU GPL, version 2. This means NO WARRANTY!